Important developments in legal struggle
The Administrative Court of Appeals of Athens recently issued provisional decisions (art. 1092-1093-1094-1095) regarding the first 4 permits for electricity production issued by the RAE for the island of Kythira, which are:
1. Production license 130/2020 (Piritou Applications, in the interests of the Kopelouzos group) in the area of Foinikies for 15 wind turbines with a capacity of 2 megawatt each and a total height of 100 meters
2. Production license 131/2020 (Piritou Applications, in the interests of the Kopelouzos group) in the area of Mermengari for 15 wind turbines with a capacity of 2 megawatt each and a total height of 100 meters
3. The production license 249/2020 (Elaktor AE) in the areas Krotiria-Kefalovouni-Pyrgos (between Aroniadiki and Mylopotamos) for 16 wind turbines with a capacity of 3 megawatt each and a total height of 150 meters
4. The production license 250/2020 (Elaktor AE) in the areas Krotiri-Kefalakia (between Trifyllianika and Agia Pelagia) for 14 wind turbines with a capacity of 3 megawatt each and a total height of 150 meters.
Against these permits appeals were filed at RAE. These review requests were rejected so local associations and citizens filed an application for annulment to the Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens.
According to the court’s reasoning, the production licenses issued by RAE must be published beyond the website of DIAVGEIA and on the official website of RAE as well as the daily press in their full content, in order to ensure their publication to the interested public.
In the case of their licences, there is doubt about their publication on the official website of RAE and in a nationwide newspaper. Most likely this never happened. The court gives RAE a one month deadline in order to prove that the statutory publication of these decisions has been made. If this turns out not to be the case, the 4 production licenses can be considered non-existent according to the permanent legislation of the Council of State.
It’s a decision that confirms the island’s struggle. We will continue to argue for both legality and the prevailing of reason amid all this absurdity and frenzy around energy issues. We anxiously await the provision of the necessary proofs from the RAE.
The only fight lost is the one that was never fought!