Much more enthusiasm for solar energy in the Netherlands
There is much more enthusiasm for solar energy in the Netherlands than for new wind turbines. This picture emerges from an analysis of the preliminary plans in 24 of the thirty energy regions, the National Program of the so-called Regional Energy Strategies (RES) reports in response to questions from the NOS. If the proposals are implemented in this way, the relationship between wind and solar energy in the Netherlands will change radically.
In the Netherlands, this ratio is currently 60 percent wind and 40 percent sun. If all plans now made are implemented unchanged, that ratio would change to 80 percent sun and 20 percent wind. Apparently, many regions do not like more wind turbines, and they opt for solar energy en masse.
When all the Energy regions have submitted their draft plan by 1 October 2020 at the latest, the National Environmental Assessment Agency will consider whether the plans are feasible and sufficient to achieve the objective of the Climate Agreement. At present, the target of 35 TWh of green electricity seems to be amply achieved, provided that the plans can actually be implemented.
Source: online article 6-5-2020 –