Large Wind Parks closing in
After the Crete-Peloponnese interconnection and the upgrade of the Peloponnese electricity network, the process for the installation of industrial wind farms in the mountains of Kavo Malea continues. Kavo Malea is the peninsula of the mainland that is clearly visible from the East side of Kythira. For inhabitants of Kythira in this part of the island the skyline will change dramatically. At nights the lights of about 250 wind turbines will light up the sky.
The Prefecture of Peloponnese is calling for a public consultation until June 15 for the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of a wind “park” planned to be installed on Mount “Krithina”, in the Malea Peninsula, at the administrative boundaries of Agios Nikolaos (a village above Neapolis). The company Ellaktor SA, which has received 2 production licenses in Kythira, is the investor. The wind potential in the area is very good, after all the peninsula of Kavo Malea is also a wind priority area (WPA), with the result that large domestic companies want to benefit financially.
We note that the area is defined as one of absolute protection in the under approval General Urban Plan of Vion region, while it is proposed as Environmental Regional Park and Landscape of international interest.
The Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) for the first 2 wind farms of ELLAKTOR from the 250 wind turbines licensed in Kavomalias:
“Krithina location” LOCATION (consultation until 28/05/2021)
“Agia Kyriaki” location (consultation until 08/06/2021)