Wind Turbine Syndrome
There is increasing scientific (not anecdotal) evidence that proximity to wind turbines can have a harmful effect on human and other living beings. The constellation of symptoms, not all of which are experienced by every person affected, is known as Wind Turbine Symptom (WTS).
These symptoms can include:
• sleep disturbance
• headache
• tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears)
• ear pressure
• dizziness (a general term that includes vertigo, light-headedness, sensation of almost fainting, etc.)
• vertigo (clinically, vertigo refers to the sensation of spinning, or the room moving)
• nausea
• visual blurring
• tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
• irritability
• problems with concentration and memory
• panic episodes associated with sensations of internal pulsation or quivering, which arise while awake or asleep
Precisely because WTS is a bundle of different symptoms and because not all of these present in all sufferers, whilst other people within range of turbines may report no discomfort, medical opinion was at first suspicious. However, an increasing number of studies in the USA and Britain have come to the conclusion that the syndrome is very real.
Physiologically, the part of the body affected is the inner ear and specifically the vestibular system: the utricle, saccule, and semicircular canals. The utricle and saccule, together, constitute the otolith organs. The otolith organs and the semicircular canals are not involved in hearing per se but are dedicated to detecting balance and motion and position, with far-reaching consequences for parts of the brain controlling cognition, mood, and certain physiologic functions (such as vertigo and nausea). Expose the vestibular system to wind turbines and the result is chaos. Low frequency noise (LFN) from turbines appears to send false signals to these exquisitely sensitive structures, causing dizziness, vertigo, and nausea, along with cognitive and memory deficits, along with anxiety and panic attacks.
Click the images below to find out more about WTS.
For a general overview of WTS published in 2010, see Your Guide to Wind Turbine Syndrome by Calvin Luther Martin.
Dr Nina Pierpont is probably the leading expert on WTS and she has an entire website devoted to the syndrome, including both a short and a longer article on the subject, plus links to many more sources of information.