Kythira Wind Turbines Information

The licensing process

Law 3468/2006 (OG 129 A) constitutes the framework for Renewable Energy Sources development in Greece, including wind energy power plants. Regarding environmental licensing of a wind project, Law 4014/2011 (OG 209A) determines the procedure should be followed, differentiated according to the nominal capacity of the project and its location within or not a protected area (National Park, Natura 2000 area etc.).

The main milestones and licenses for a wind energy project in Greece, issued sequentially, are:

a)     The Production License, which in practice constitutes “a project feasibility approval”.

b)     The Approval of Environmental Terms or otherwise Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Approval.

c)      The binding Grid Connection Offer (GCO), which is issued after EIA Approval and secures access to the electrical grid. It specifies the point of the grid where the wind power plant will be connected, the required works for this purpose and their costs.

d)    The Installation License. The competent authority is bound to issue the Installation License, as far as a binding Grid Connection Offer has been obtained and various formal prerequisites -all being subject of proper preparation and of the discretion of the investor to execute them (payment of taxes, fees, land-use right etc.)- have been met. The Installation License grants the right to proceed with the construction of the project.

e)     The Operation License is the final License of a wind energy project and is issued after the construction and successful start up of the power plant.

Click on the images below to view the guides (1 in Greek and 2 in English) for Wind park licensing in Greece.

Source: and

Wind energy development in Greece. Licensing issues and regulatory framework 06-2019 (in Greek)

A guide for licensing onshore wind projects in Greece 12-2018 (in English)

Wind energy development in Greece. Licensing issues and regulatory framework 06-2019 (in English)